Sunday, 5 October 2014

Dr Grace is right for once - these men are cowards, her husband's wives

Who is correct - Margaret Dongo or Grace Mugabe?
Whatever, one thing is true - Zanu-PF men are cowards. For once Grace Mugabe has got it right. These are men who claim to have been out there in the bush fighting. If the truth should be told, these cowards were never anywhere near the battle front. Those who were at the front died and these cowards walked back like heroes.
Whatever way, Dongo was right. She called these Zanu-PF men Mugabe's wives in 1998. The truth of it is coming out now.
Look at how they are manipulating the state media to succeed Mugabe. Yet when they come face to face with him, none of them raises a single bald head. They become children. Women. Abused wives. Cowards.
But in the dark of the night, they whisper and plot. In daylight, they are like owls.
Grace has seen through them. She will take over from her husband and make Zanu-PF men her wives. They will crawl. Pray. Plead. And lick her feet for a position in Zanu-PF.
Here is a girl who never – most probably – saw the war. Yet, she has seen the uselessness in Zanu-PF men. The people who asked her husband to lead them. The people who elevated her husband to a semi-god status. She is the princess. The little goddess. She takes over and none of the bald heads will say anything.
I shudder when I look at some of the pictures where the 'men' sit ogling at Grace while she tells them that they are cowards. And why do grown men behave as if they never were out in Mozambique or Zambia?

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