Monday 28 July 2014

I hate democracy and religion

I hate democracy. I hate religion.
Democracy is very selfish and full of itself. It does not have time to listen to others. It has no room for those who see and think differently. It lashes out, threatens and punishes divergent voices and minds.
Nothing must exist besides itself. It must have full control and authority to deride, chide, censure and castigate those seen as not conforming to whatever shape, colour or size this democracy is.
It has taken it upon itself to carry out acts for which it castigates others. It is for this democracy to kill but howls when others kill.
It stereotypes nations and people and places them in small boxes as if they are blood samples of a virus. The small boxes are then labeled: operatives, apologists, dictators, bum lickers, hangers-on, notorious, fiends, torturers and murderers etc. etc. etc.
While in democracy, violence is and should be condemned, this version does not leave anything to chance but makes sure that nothing will remain standing once it’s done.
Democracy speaks the language of anger and hatred. It seeks to isolate and shame all those who do not agree in principle with whatever desires or wishes such democracy wants.
It is God in itself. Everything must rally around it. Stop and listen only to its voice. Every person must kneel and crawl only to this democracy.
And many voices are drowned. Many people sit back in fear of being called names. Debate is stifled because once you say what you think and it’s different from what democracy wants, then you are an operative or an apologist.
Whatever view you have does not mean anything as long as it is different from theirs. So now there are rogue nations and axis of evil nations while a number of opposition parties have taken it upon themselves to champion democracy hence the inclusion of the word democracy in their names.
Just check this: In South Africa there is the Independent Democratic Party; United Christian Democratic Party; United Democratic Movement; Alliance for Democracy and Prosperity; Alliance of Free Democrats and Christian Democratic Alliance.
In Botswana you find the Botswana Democratic Party; Botswana Movement for Democracy; New Democratic Front while Malawi has Alliance for Democracy; Malawi Democratic Party; Movement for Genuine Democratic Change; National Democratic Alliance and United Democratic Front.
Zambia has Movement for Multiparty Democracy; United Democratic Alliance; Forum for Democracy and Development and National Democratic Focus.
One wonders whether the inclusion of the word democracy means what it is supposed to mean or it’s a façade.
In simple terms, democracy is doing what is right. It is about respect; about love; about fostering peace and there should not be any rewards for being good to others.
But the world, of course, is more complex than this simple definition of democracy. It got its own ways of redefining things.
Democracy’s holier than thou attitude is like that of religion. While religion is supposed to foster understanding, harmony and peace among the peoples of the world, what it has done so far is cause wars, massacres and evils that make Satan green with envy.
If religion was tolerant, 9/11 would not have happened. If religion was tolerant, there would not be Israel/ Palestine problem. If religion was tolerant Nigeria would be at peace with its peoples. If religion was tolerant, a lot of things that went wrong and are going wrong today in the name of faith would not be happening.
Egypt today after putting a solid and united front, the centre has fallen apart with one religious side taking over for their own selfish ends.
Most probably one good example of the ironies of democracy is Somalia. In 1991, Siad Barre was kicked out by a united opposition in the name of democracy. But just look at Somalia today 20 years after the overthrow of Siad Barre. It’s made up warring fiefdoms.
The so-called progressive forces have failed to carry the country forward because of selfishness and greed. There is no central government and the country is divided into semi-independent clans led by warlords.
All the attempts – 14 times to be precise – to set up a central government have failed. Whatever form of government there is just posturing because the elected representatives have no power but the warlords do.
Compare it to what it used to be under Siad Barre who was accused of despotic tendencies. At least, Siad Barre held the nation together and Somalia was a progressive country.
Somalis were better under Siad Barre’s ‘despotic’ measures that made them secure, safe and regarded as a people with a country.
Now add religion to the equation and you get a fragmented Somalia that will never be a country again. And it is religion that is keeping food away from some sections affected by famine. It is religion that is supposed to be clean, understanding, selfless, caring and helpful which is killing people.
I hate democracy, I hate religion.

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